Compassionate, creative, courageous, evidence-based coaching
... In collaboration with wisdom
mBraining Global aims to introduce and awaken people to the ideas and benefits of mBraining making it universally accessible, useful and inspiring to a wider audience. We work to bring Grant's vision for mBraining alive – to create a wiser and more compassionate world – one heart and one life at a time.

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If you are interested in mBraining and want to become an mBit coach, you have come to the right place. Register now to become a member, it only takes a few seconds to gain access to our full range of mBit courses and certification. We look forward to seeing you soon.

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Gain unrestricted access to resources, advice, coaches and courses. Make a difference one heart and one life at a time.
We are a vibrant network of mBraining coaches and trainers committed to the inner work of human transformation and the outer work of social transformation. We believe every person already has the tools within to change their life for the better and to co create a better world for all - creating love, peace, joy, prosperity, good health, and a sense of authentic well-being that truly brings the human spirit alive.
We are committed to professional practice and service delivery. And endeavour to ensure our information, courses and coaching is evidence based and at the cutting edge of developments in neuroscience and coaching practice.

What is mBraining?
mBraining is a new field of applied neuroscience which is quickly spreading across the globe. It is a beautifully simple, yet profoundly deep model that provides a simple road map to help you successfully navigate life’s challenges; step up to a more compassionate, creative, courageous way of living; and evolve to becoming the best possible version of you. It was developed by by Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka. Check out their beautiful book, here and at all good book stores.
From a meta analysis and meta synthesis of hundreds of pieces of literature, Grant and Marvin have developed a set of techniques (mBIT – multiple Brain Integration Techniques) which puts this new knowledge and theory (mBraining) into coaching practice.
According to the science literature we have at least three brains – yes the head, or cephalic brain you were already aware of: The seat of our logic, thinking and analysis; and the heart (cardiac) and gut (enteric) brains, which you were probably aware of intuitively, but may not necessarily have called them brains in the past. mBraining takes that science literature and asks “if that is true – how can we apply that to coaching?”
Have you ever heard yourself or anyone else refer to these brains? It is amazing now you know this, how that inner knowing expresses itself in practice through your language and how you will now start noticing that in yourself and others. So what sort of language patterns might you notice that indicate our ‘knowing’ is coming from one of our three brains?
We provide a platform to showcase and make available mBraining tools, practices and resources, teaching people the basics of how to most effectively use mBraining as a transformative tool. We clearly demonstrate and guide people to apply what they learn to open their hearts, minds and bodies to affect lasting change. We provide routes to one on one coaching, courses and support for those interested in taking mBraining further.
We are committed to sharing skills, ideas and learning in an empowering global community of mBIT coaches.
Please also visit mBraining the World, a group of mBIT coaches and trainers that want to make a difference in the world. Inspired by the original work of Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka and the revolutionary field of human development and understanding known as mBraining. Ongoing development by Grant took a beautifully simple, yet profoundly deep model to new levels. His work enables individuals and organisations around the world to transform their relationship with themselves and others creating a more compassionate and wiser world.